We started with CDI at the end of 2013. At the time we had low performance in cost, efficiency, safety and quality. Also, we had a low level of people engagement towards business objectives. After a leadership reorganizaation and rethinking strategies, we started to strongly follow and monitor the implementation of MDW TM module 1 as one of the pillars for change. This module was key to aligning the efforts of operational staff with the plant strategy, mission and vision, as well as in the incorporation of a greater number of people in managing change through innovation, recognition, commitment and creating the required sense of belonging. The Multi-Level Meeting has been a key element to achieve this.
As a result, we can say that the targets expected to be achieved in a three years plan were achieved mostly in the first year. For example: 12% improvement in OEE Crushing, 25% improvement in cost per tonne Crushing, 7% improvement in specific steam consumption, 45% improvement in accident statistics, 3% improvement in recovery of fat, and much more.
A good strategy together with a good choice of goals, committed managers and senior management assistance in implementing MDW TM was very important.
We have much to do, but the results exceeded our expectations in the first year. This is an example of what aligned, committed and motivated people can achieve, even in a complex and challenging environments like ours.
Plant Manager,
Complejo Industrial Lagos,
Louis Dreyfus Commodities Argentina